KB: No VMware Instances are monitored

If you installed the VMware Management Pack and no Instances is shown in the console, you can look at this guide.

  • The “OpsLogix Collector” should be installed on all the members of the VMware SCOM resource pool you use. You can verify this by navigating to the “Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features” window. If the program “OpsLogix Collector” is not installed follow one the steps below:
    • Open the SCOM Operations Console and navigate to “Administration -> OpsLogix MP Configuration -> VMware IMP Configuration Dashboard”. Select the connection that is not monitored and press “Check Connection”
    • Restart the “Microsoft Monitoring Agent” service on the all the members of the VMware SCOM resource pool you use.
    • Open the SCOM Operations Console and navigate to Monitoring -> Discovered Inventory. Select Target Type ‘SystemCenter.ManagementService’. Select the SCOM MS servers for which the “OpsLogix Collector” needs to be installed and - on the Tasks pane - execute the task “OpsLogix Deploy VMware Collector”. Wait for the task output to complete, and make sure that the task completes without errors.
  • Check that you don’t have any manually preinstalled VMware components on the VMware monitoring pool members.
  • Check if the VMware monitoring account you created has sufficient permissions to logon to the vCenter or ESX(i) node(s).
  • Check if the VMware monitoring account you have specified has the correct role. It should at least have ‘read only’ and the “Validate session” privileges.
  • Check if Dot Net 4 is installed on all the members VMware Monitoring pool.
  • Check that the VMware environment applies to the correct compatibility described in this document.
  • On all the members of the VMware resource pool check the Operations Manager Event logs to see if there are any OpsLogix related messages.