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Monitoring as a Service
Your shortcut to success

Change the practice of monitoring.
Focus on your core competencies while we help you improve your monitoring ones with a holistic, future-proof set of technology, processes, and routines.

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We build and implement a monitoring solution according to your requirements and set of programs and applications integrated into SCOM.


Throughout the lifecycle of the service, we are present with support and as a long-term knowledge partner - to build great monitoring capabilities.


Rely on monitoring that is constantly developing, improving, and staying relevant and future-proof with little effort required from you.

Business Benefits


Economies of scale, aggregated experience,  competence, and automation help improve resource efficiency in monitoring teams.


Based on a pre-developed set of technology, processes and routines eliminate the need for preparation and configuration. Plug-and-Play!

Low-risk Investment

Mitigare and reduce risk with Monitoring as a Service. Financial transparency, fixed costs, and proven results make it a low-risk investment. 

Retained Ownership

Keep your monitoring activities and infrastructure in-house. This will help you stay close to your business and remain in control of operations.


Monitoring technology is a resource-intense activity and requires competence, time, and money. It is a critical yet commonly overlooked activity that often gets less attention than it deserves. This frequently translates to receiving a smaller budget allocation than other areas. With this in mind, we have designed a service that can meet all monitoring requirements without compromising quality, hiring more IT professionals, and relying on temporary consultancy projects.

By taking a service approach, internal resources such as these can be more efficiently allocated. This is due to the service providing benefits of aggregated experience and expertise, developed technology, and time taken away from manual monitoring activities by introducing automated processes. The cost is transparent, fixed, and kept low, thanks to us having the possibility to take advantage of economies of scale.

We believe that you can improve and develop areas closer to your core operations and business while we help you with our vision of what monitoring should be. We are working with this every day at various companies in different industries. We have had time to develop and excel at identifying resource-efficient monitoring practices.

  • Cost-efficient and financial transparency
  • Efficiently allocate internal resources, focus on your core business
  • Increase flexibility within the infrastructure team


Microsoft's System Center Operations Manager, SCOM, is a platform with great monitoring potential, but exploiting its full potential requires both time, effort, and expertise. Monitoring as a Service is a way for organizations to cut the development of their SCOM platform yet still benefit from all the advantages it brings.

The service consists of pre-developed technologies, processes, and routines integrated into the existing environment and managed by OpsLogix. Thus, it implies that no preparation or configuration is required by you. Our service is, at delivery, ready to use and has a relatively short implementation time.  

In addition to being ready-to-implement, it also contains fully managed object lifecycles throughout. This means that none of your time and money needs to be allocated to upgrading and developing the SCOM environment or related applications and management packs.

We customize the delivery of the service to your environment by developing management packs for your applications. Therefore, we are confident that no matter if you are working within an industry where many niche applications are used or with more general ones - we can help you achieve excellent monitoring. 

  • No experience required to develop monitoring operations
  • Set up a fully developed platform in no time
  • Managed throughout the service lifecycle 

Low-risk Investment

Any investment brings risk. The biggest risk associated with investing in R&D within the IT field is that it can just become a time sink. Implementation and customizations may bring little or no operational value, while cost and time often exceed the initial budget. Additionally, investing in IT infra dev-ops requires experience, competence, and designer confidence that may or may not be accessible in-house.

Another factor to consider when investing in new IT systems is how this is adopted and perceived. It's not only the technology that must be in place for your organization, it must also be accepted. The immediate risk related to using a new application or system is that if employees refuse to change their working methods, the outcome will often be inadequate ROI goals.

Monitoring as a Service will inherently improve IT operations. A fixed monthly fee implies financial transparency and no surprises in the financial budget. Time spent both in daily operations and for future development will also be kept low as it's managed by OpsLogix.

Monitoring as a Service is a way for you to mitigate and reduce risk. It is developed using best practices, managed by experts, and includes no extra costs that might negatively impact the ROI. You can feel confident that improving monitoring activities doesn't have to involve high-risk investments.

  • No hidden cost
  • Reduced & Mitigated risk 
  • Holistic, focusing on both technical and organizational change

Retained Ownership

IT operations and monitoring are essential. The reasons to keep them in-house are many - IT security, policies and loss of control are crucial considerations, just as immediate closeness to other IT- and application teams are.

There are limitations to outsourcing- or the consultancy approach for monitoring operations. However, there are benefits to acknowledge as well - access to experts with competence and experience, freeing up time leading to flexible teams, risk mitigation, broader expertise, and know-how are just a few. Monitoring as a Service is a way for organizations to benefit from the advantages of all three possible options; MaaS, consultancy, and outsourcing, all while keeping everything in-house.

While we help you implement and manage the service, we will not take over ownership of either technology, processes, or staff. Installation and day-to-day work will be performed in your SCOM environment.

Rather than taking the traditional outsourcing or consultancy approach - we help you automate and set up routines to minimize the manual work.

The service will include everything from development to weekly support and regular follow-up meetings, so your infrastructure team feels comfortable that their monitoring delivery lives up to the highest of expectations.

  • Benefit from external expertise 
  • Keep full internal control and ownership 
  • Stay close to other IT- and application teams 


Case Studies 


Drilling & Mining


Refinery & Base Oil


Operational Confidence

Proven and Trusted

OpsLogix has over ten years of experience in developing management packs for organizations working with Microsoft's System Center Operations Manager, SCOM, in various industries. We have extended our portfolio and offer other products and services compatible with these MP's and SCOM to enhance monitoring further.

Our goal has always been to help organizations perform state-of-the-art monitoring with the means available in-house. Now - we want to extend that and, with our expertise, help you advance through the aggregated experience and know-how we, as a part of our core business, have gathered throughout the years. 

With this mission, we have created a reputation as a stable, competent, and trustworthy partner to organizations of different kinds in various industries worldwide. We have banks, universities, mining tool producers, municipalities, IT service providers, and many more among our customers. That these customers are recurrent are the result of well-developed, high-quality products and services. 

Our team consists of monitoring and SCOM experts that with various backgrounds in development and consulting have a track record of several successful Digital Operations Framework- and Monitoring as a Service implementations. 

  • 10 + years of experience in both consulting and development
  • A recognized leader and trusted partner for the System Center Suite
  • Our service and the framework it builds on have been successfully implemented within several organizations


Microsoft's System Center Operations Manager is a product with great potential but can also be a source of many issues. Our service is designed to fit a SCOM environment and teams with various experiences with the monitoring platform. 

We know that SCOM expertise is scarce and believe that everyone can achieve monitoring success, even without the most profound experience with the platform. 

Developing a user-centric service is possible due to the many years working with SCOM and the various scenarios we have been involved and worked with. The issues your organization may face are something that other SCOM-users have, too - thus, instead of everyone solving the same problems, we centralize this in our service packaging.

We want to go beyond problem-solving and, in addition to being responsive to user requests, we also aim at creating proactive monitoring. 

A proactive approach is taking problem-solving one step further by eliminating incidents as much as possible before occurring.

To minimize any stress and issues SCOM might bring to your infrastructure team, the combination of SCOM experience, support, and automation of manual processes work well together. We also know that our service customer improves their skills and know-how, which have a positive impact on monitoring operations. 

  • Eliminate common problems you face thanks to accumulated experience and know-how
  • Spend time working on alarms coming in, rather than detecting them 
  • Take a proactive approach to minimize alerts 


Less Manual Work

Monitoring is a task that can be pretty time-consuming, not only during daily operations but also to ensure that your platform is appropriately developed, updated to the newest releases, integrated with all necessary programs and applications, etc.

Though it is a task that is critical for a stable, secure IT environment, we know that it is not always given the time and effort it needs, which in turn leads to insufficient monitoring. We believe that it is possible to increase quality while decreasing the manual work and time spent on monitoring activities - may it be operational or strategical.

How is it possible to minimize effort while improving the result? Using automation to decrease manual work and apply a best-practice set of technology, processes, and routines. This combination will enable employees to spend their time most productively.

The time it takes to monitor an environment using SCOM manually depends on the size of the environment, number of applications, etc. However, in many cases, it is expected to take at least one full-time working professional.

Taking the service approach, you will save the time allocated to operational monitoring and the more long-term one, like developing the platform, integrating other applications, and the updates of Management Packs and other add-ons included in the service.

  • Decrease manual work with automation and best practices 
  • Prioritize your time best way possible by having the monitoring taken care of by OpsLogix 
  • Enhance monitoring quality

World-leading Expertise

We are confident that we can be a part of your journey towards excellent monitoring. We have a team of dedicated developers and support with years of SCOM experience that will be with you every step of the way! 

Through Monitoring as a Service, we share this expertise and knowledge that we have gathered over the years and from a wide spread of different industries and companies. We have worked on developing a set of best practices transferred to you when using the service so that all potential benefits SCOM offers can be realized. 

Through the close partnership with our service customers, we try to educate and share knowledge so that in addition to the technology and processes being implemented, the internal infrastructure team can be confident in the monitoring delivery.

We are world-leading in business-critical native Management Packs. Over the past few years, we have extended our portfolio to other SCOM add-ons, frameworks, and our most comprehensive service, Monitoring as a Service, MaaS. 

Being our core business, we always stay up to date in the monitoring sphere. New releases of SCOM, Azure updates, SCOM events, or anything impacting your environment or our products we are keeping track of to include in the service package. 

  • World-leading expertise
  • A close relationship, we strive to act as a present knowledge partner
  • Support throughout the entire service lifecycle



Proven and Trusted

OpsLogix is a trusted partner with world-leading expertise in SCOM and Management Pack development. 


Achieve state-of-the-art monitoring, take a proactive approach and focus on your core expertise while we make sure monitoring is up and running.  

Less Manual Work

Automation and a set of best practices work wonders for your monitoring. Free up time and increase quality all at once!

World-leading Expertise

Monitoring, is, and has always been our focus. Take advantage of the experience and skills our devoted developers and SCOM experts have!


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Build VS Buy

Monitoring as a Service builds on our Digital Operations Framework - a set of technologies, processes, and routines developed and implemented after your requirements, and that together covers your monitoring. Unlike the Digital Operations Framework, our service is managed from implementation and throughout the lifecycle of the service, with support, updates, the addition of new potential features or management packs. Thus, Monitoring as a Service is a holistic, all-inclusive alternative for you to make sure to get the most out of your SCOM environment with as few means possible.

Read the full article here
What is Digital Operations Framework

Monitoring as a Service

MaaS for all Stakeholders

For your business

IT supporting business goals
Focus on your core competencies
Increase control with no outsourcing

For Management

Cost-efficient alternative
Sustainable, improving long-term monitoring results
Create a secure, stable IT-environment

For Your Monitoring Team

No need to acquire new skills
Utilize competence and resources most efficiently
Improve the service towards other teams and departments

For you as an Individual

Improve monitoring quality
Decrease workload and stress
Increase competence in monitoring and SCOM

Optimized For

Service providers
System Integrators
Public Sector
Private Organizations


Want to know more?

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