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Press Release: Kubernetes Management Pack Announcement

by Jonas Lenntun, on 24-Jan-2022 15:30:00


Today OpsLogix announces the upcoming release of their new Kubernetes Management Pack. This product is designed to help organizations monitor their Kubernetes clusters using System Center Operations Manager (SCOM). The management pack provides comprehensive monitoring of all aspects of your Kubernetes environment, from individual nodes and pods to entire clusters. 

As cloud-native solutions become more popular, there has been a spotlight on container architecture and Kubernetes. Containers and Kubernetes have already been around for a number of years. Recently, their growth has received a lot of attention as a result of the maturing technology and increased cloud adoption.  

Many organizations are still using SCOM as their central monitoring tool, it's readily used as a focal point in resolution for many first- and second-tier issues. This is most likely why we have seen a growing demand for full visibility of Kubernetes clusters within the same single pane of glass. 

OpsLogix Kubernetes Management Pack will make use of the same collector architecture as the widely adopted and popular VMware Management Pack from OpsLogix. This will ensure a minimal impact on both your Kubernetes Cluster and SCOM environment with intelligent caching, secure communications, and plug-and-play installation. 

"We understand that more and more customers are moving modern applications into production in their Kubernetes Clusters. To help the infrastructure teams maintain full control and availability of their IT landscape, we want to provide them with the necessary tools required by their organization." Jonas Lenntun - Technical Business Developer, OpsLogix.

OpsLogix Kubernetes Management Pack is scheduled to release in the second quarter of 2022. You can sign up for more information or join the beta program to get an early look at this exciting new product. For more information, please visit the OpsLogix Kubernetes product page or contact us at

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Topics:Press ReleaseNewsKubernetes


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