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by OpsLogix, on 26-Sep-2023 11:03:36

5 reasons to switch to the OpsLogix VMware Management Pack When you are choosing a solution to monitor your VMware infrastructure in System Center Operations Manager (SCOM), you need to …

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by Vincent de Vries, on 30-May-2023 09:42:02

What is operation MichaelKors? A new ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) operation called MichaelKors has recently emerged, which targets Linux and VMware ESXi systems. The cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike warns that this trend is …

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by OpsLogix, on 09-May-2022 11:33:43

SCOMathon, the ultimate SCOM conference, is back on May 10th 2022! Get the latest updates from Microsoft, learn best practices from the experts, and find out how the rest of …

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Topics:VMwareTeams ConnectorKubernetes

by Jonas Lenntun, on 09-May-2022 09:00:22

VMware administrators can breathe a little easier today with the release of the latest OpsLogix VMware management pack for System Center Operations Manager. The new update includes a new feature …

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Topics:VMwareManagement PackUpdate ReleaseSCOM

by OpsLogix, on 22-Feb-2022 14:00:00

A virtual appliance is a pre-integrated, self-contained system that combines a software program (e.g., server software) with just enough operating system to run correctly on industry-standard hardware or a virtual …

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by OpsLogix, on 17-Feb-2022 14:30:00

Ransomware is not a new concept within IT security. However, much focus is now being brought to it as the scale, number, and cost of these attacks are increasing worldwide …

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by OpsLogix, on 21-Dec-2021 13:15:00

VMware is a market leader in multi-cloud services, allowing companies to innovate with control and enterprise governance. The company is constantly working on new updates, products, and improvements within the …

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Topics:VMwareMonitoringManagement PackSCOM

by OpsLogix, on 15-Dec-2021 14:00:00

Apache Log4j, an open-source logging software used in everything from online games to enterprise software and cloud data centers, has a severe security vulnerability that has security teams all over …

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by Michel Kamp, on 29-Nov-2021 13:00:00

Finally, It's time for a new VMware management pack release, and yes, we heard you! A while ago we asked for your input and feedback in a customer survey. We …

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Topics:VMwareManagement PackUpdate ReleaseSCOM

by Fredrik Ranelöv, on 26-Oct-2021 14:00:00

I've never seen so much news during VMworld! It began to seem comical that every speaker at the opening "General Session" and subsequent keynotes used the line "We are proud …

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