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by Jonas Lenntun, on 18-Jan-2024 14:01:29

We invite you to SCOMeetUp 2024 on April 25th in Gothenburg! Welcome to SCOMeetUp 2024! SCOM-day is back in a new form! Finally, our popular event is back after a …

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by OpsLogix, on 12-May-2023 10:21:02

Get ready for SCOMathon 2023! This year's event will take place on May 25th, make sure to join our session at 12.20-12.40 CEST to learn more about SCOM Open Source …

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by OpsLogix, on 03-May-2023 08:46:14

Mark your calendars for May 25th, as SCOMathon, the ultimate learning opportunity for all things SCOM, takes place! Join the digital event to get the latest updates from Microsoft, learn …

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by OpsLogix, on 18-Jan-2022 14:00:00

A few weeks ago, we announced that OpsLogix would join Scomathon's"the Big SCOM Survey" in the expert panel to discuss the survey results. In Scomathon's upcoming coffee break session held …

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by OpsLogix, on 14-Dec-2021 14:00:00

Just like last year, SCOMathon will perform "the Big SCOM Survey," and we at OpsLogix will be a part of the expert panel to discuss the results. The SCOM Survey …

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by OpsLogix, on 29-Nov-2021 10:51:55

After almost two years living with a pandemic that changed the way we live and, not the least - the way we work, we are happy to say that we …

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Topics:EventsDigital OperationsSCOM

by Fredrik Ranelöv, on 26-Oct-2021 14:00:00

I've never seen so much news during VMworld! It began to seem comical that every speaker at the opening "General Session" and subsequent keynotes used the line "We are proud …

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by Jonas Lenntun, on 09-Oct-2020 10:55:22

Business Cause and Effects of the latest OpsLogix VMware MP updates Register for our webinar on 15th Oct @ 1500 GMT+1, to find out more about the latest features in …

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Topics:VMwareManagement PackEventsSCOM

by Jonas Lenntun, on 12-Dec-2019 15:07:17

This year was the first time that we, together with the team from Approved in Sweden, hosted the yearly SCOM-Day event in Gothenburg. This year's event was a great success …

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by OpsLogix, on 13-Aug-2018 13:06:21

Now that the holiday season is coming to an end, the OpsLogix team is slowly but surely returning after enjoying their hard earned vacations shortly following Microsoft Inspire in Las …

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