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by OpsLogix, on 22-Feb-2022 14:00:00

A virtual appliance is a pre-integrated, self-contained system that combines a software program (e.g., server software) with just enough operating system to run correctly on industry-standard hardware or a virtual …

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by OpsLogix, on 17-Feb-2022 14:30:00

Ransomware is not a new concept within IT security. However, much focus is now being brought to it as the scale, number, and cost of these attacks are increasing worldwide …

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by OpsLogix, on 15-Feb-2022 14:00:00

Kubernetes is one of the most prominent container orchestration platforms available today. As cloud-native- and container solutions gain attention, so is Kubernetes. The platform that Google open-sourced in 2014 has …

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by OpsLogix, on 10-Feb-2022 14:00:00

Microsoft Teams is a product that already before the pandemic started to gain popularity and, during, helped employees communicate and collaborate in their new remote offices. There are precursors to …

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Topics:OpsLogixTeams ConnectorTeams

by OpsLogix, on 08-Feb-2022 14:00:00

With the aim to cut down development cycles and time to market, increase the frequency of deployment and ensure high-quality software releases, it is no surprise that DevOps has come …

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by Jonas Lenntun, on 03-Feb-2022 14:00:00

When it comes to sophisticated software like System Center Operations Manager (SCOM), where a structure is vital to maintain your environment, your naming conventions are the key to long-term success …

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Topics:Best PracticesHow-toMonitoringSCOM

by OpsLogix, on 01-Feb-2022 14:00:00

As cloud-native solutions are gaining recognition and becoming a common approach to developing applications, more attention has been directed towards container orchestration and Kubernetes. Both concepts within the realm of …

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