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VMware Management Pack Update Release (22.3.2731.0)

by Jonas Lenntun, on 09-May-2022 09:00:22


VMware administrators can breathe a little easier today with the release of the latest OpsLogix VMware management pack for System Center Operations Manager. The new update includes a new feature for Ransomware vulnerability monitoring, designed to decrease the attack surface for your VMware infrastructure and keep your data safe.

This new addition to the popular OpsLogix VMware Management Pack is free for anyone using our solution today.

VMware Administrators can now take advantage of our Ransomware Vulnerability Monitoring feature to scan their VMware environment for potential vulnerabilities and get alerted if any are found.

Some most significant features are mentioned and described in depth below, while you will find all newly added features, changes, and improvements in the release notes.


  • Ransomware Vulnerability Monitoring (6.5)
  • Ransomware Vulnerability Monitoring (6.7)
  • Ransomware Vulnerability Monitoring (7.0)
Read more in our Knowledge Base



  • vCenter 5.5 compatibility issues during discovering
  • Small set monitoring for the host services sometimes broke
  • Using nordic characters will give strange chars
  • The invalid license monitor was reporting incorrectly when using 1 vcenter connection with 2 MS servers in the resource pool


The OpsLogix VMware Management Pack requires Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2012 SP1, 2012 R2, 2016, 180x or 2019.

The OpsLogix VMware Management Pack makes use of Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5. It is required that Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is installed on all SCOM Management Server and Gateway Servers that are resource pool members in the resource pool used for VMware monitoring.

The Management Pack can be upgraded from  VMware Management Pack version V1.3.8.x

If you want to know more, check out our Knowledge Base

Download the new version in the customer portal. 

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Topics:VMwareManagement PackUpdate ReleaseSCOM


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