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We are proud sponsors of SCOMATHON 2022

by OpsLogix, on 09-May-2022 11:33:43


SCOMathon, the ultimate SCOM conference, is back on May 10th 2022! Get the latest updates from Microsoft, learn best practices from the experts, and find out how the rest of the awesome SCOM community is getting the most out of SCOM.

We at OpsLogix are proud sponsors of SCOMATHON 22, and we have prepared a special session for all of you with some inspiring new product updates that we will showcase during the event. Make sure you attend our session and see how OpsLogix can help take your SCOM game to the next level!

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Register here

VMware Ransomware Vulnerability Monitoring

 VMware administrators can breathe a little easier today with the release of the latest OpsLogix VMware management pack for System Center Operations Manager.

The new update includes a new feature for Ransomware vulnerability monitoring, designed to decrease the attack surface for your VMware infrastructure and keep your data safe.

This new addition to the popular OpsLogix VMware Management Pack is free for anyone using our solution today.

Kubernetes Management Pack

The OpsLogix Kubernetes Management Pack is now under private preview for some selected customers.

Today we support different implementations of Kubernetes such as Redhat Openshift, Azure Kubernetes Services, and native Kubernetes and we are currently testing out VMware Tanzu.

If you are interested in the new solution, please visit our product page and register or view our session on SCOMATHON 22. 

MS Teams Connector for SCOM 2.0

Our team have been working hard with the new release of OpsLogix SCOM Connector for MS Teams.

The initial free version was revealed at last year's SCOMathon, with some restrictions on the number of SCOM environments and Teams it may communicate with while still allowing bi-directional links with your SCOM environment.

Now with the new version, we are now unlocking the full potential of a bi-directional connector for SCOM with multiple SCOM Connections to multiple Microsoft Teams Channels.

An administration portal has also been added, through which you as an administrator may preconfigure subscriptions with permissions so that your end-users can simply subscribe to the relevant alerts.

We also implemented a feature that was on many wish lists and which is now accessible, allowing you to use groups inside SCOM to filter alerts in the connector.

If you want to see the preview of the new release, please sign up for SCOMathon 2022.

Register here

Topics:VMwareTeams ConnectorKubernetes


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