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The future of SCOM monitoring: An agile approach to service delivery

by OpsLogix, on 10-Oct-2023 13:31:43

Blog The future of SCOM monitoring: An agile approach to service delivery | OpsLogix
The future of SCOM monitoring: An agile approach to service delivery | OpsLogix


As modern technology continues to evolve, adaptability and responsiveness become a necessity for all organizations. Throughout our years of experience, we have developed a unique approach, leveraging agile methodologies, to meet these evolving needs. Because of this, we are now able to offer a SCOM monitoring service unlike any other.

In this blog post, we will explore the future of SCOM monitoring with an agile approach to service delivery, and why your organization should consider making the switch to OpsLogix SCOM Monitoring as a Service.

1. Customized monitoring solutions

As every organization has its own unique needs, the monitoring solution needs to be able to meet these needs as well.

OpsLogix has fifteen years of experience in monitoring and has throughout the years built up a cross-functional team. We combine the skills of for example SCOM experts, developers, and quality assurance professionals. Furthermore, we have also developed an adjustable framework, in order to be able to create a customized monitoring solution optimized for your organization.

2. Value-driven approach

Since our services are built upon agile methodologies, having a value-driven approach is a part of our very foundation. 

By working in sprints, we can make regular enhancements and faster deployments. This ensures that you are able to make adjustments along the way, in order to meet your changing requirements. It also means that you are able to get the features you need in a shorter amount of time.

3. Continuous updates and improvements

With our Monitoring as a Service, we take care of the updates and improvements, so that you can rely on always having the latest, most secure, and efficient version running.

Because of our agile approach, we are through continuous testing and integration also able to quickly identify areas of improvement and make the necessary corrections proactively.

4. Predictable and transparent deliveries

As previously mentioned, we work in sprints which enables a predictability of when different milestones in the project should be reached. 

Transparency is achieved both internally in the team and externally with the customer. Internally, routines like daily standups and shared workspaces ensure that everyone is on the same page and shares the same information.

Externally with the customer, continuous feedback after every sprint is incorporated as a central element. This involvement of feedback enables the influence of the customer and also means that our service can be regularly rebuilt in accordance with your organization's needs.

5. Scalability and Adaptability

Our Monitoring as a Service is a scalable solution that allows your business to grow and the monitoring solution to scale with it effortlessly.

Because of our adaptable framework, combined with our agile approach, we are able to be responsive in case your organization needs alterations to be made along the way. We are also able to prioritize the order of each part of the process so that we can start with the features that are most important to you.

Let's discuss a solution for your needs

In a time where it is important for all organizations to be dynamic and adaptable, your monitoring solutions need to be able to fit the same requirements. 

With our Monitoring as a Service solution, which builds upon an agile methodology and an adaptable framework, you are able to ensure that your monitoring is customized to fit your needs.

Are you ready to explore how your organization's monitoring can be at the forefront?

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Topics:OpsLogixMonitoring as a Service


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