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Customer Experience: Working with OpsLogix

by OpsLogix, on 16-Dec-2021 14:00:00


Microsoft's System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) is a monitoring platform that comes with many potential benefits; however, it can also be overwhelming to manage and be responsible for. 

With extensive, up-to-date knowledge and experience with SCOM, we provide products and services at the forefront of monitoring. In addition to the products and services, OpsLogix works with personal support and various sources of digital content to further enhance the application of those.

About SCOM

SCOM is a widely adopted platform that has been around for years and is likely to stay for many more. Although SCOM was built for monitoring Microsoft products, it also allows for monitoring of various other O.S flavors (for example Linux, Unix), Network Devices, and native applications other than Dot Net like Java. 

SCOM is the focal point of all our products and services. Thus, our Management Packs, Digital Operations Framework, Monitoring as a Service, and add-ons are all developed to integrate into the platform. 

Support and digital content 

In order to help you take advantage of all benefits SCOM offers, we have multiple resources that can guide you through the platform and the application of our products. Our world-class knowledge and monitoring experience has allowed us to create support services and content for our users to get the most out of their SCOM environment.

  1. Real-World Knowledge
  2. Knowledge Base 
  3. Instructional Videos
  4. Support Services
  5. Product Improvements 
  6. Blog 
  7. Github
  8. Free Resources


After years of experience within IT, and more precisely, working with SCOM and related products, we are confident that our offerings are at the forefront of monitoring. Our devoted team has various backgrounds, some with development, others in consulting or support services.

The close relationship with our customers allows for insights into everyday monitoring operations - something we take advantage of and enhances the development and improvement of both products and services.

In the SCOM sphere, it's not only crucial to have experience but also to stay relevant and up to date. SCOM and monitoring practices are continuously developing, therefore organizations need to be able to adapt. 

A great source of current information, both to contribute with and receive, is SCOM events that different organizations within the industry hold. Some of the ones that we have been a part of, bringing both current news and new updates as well as insights and knowledge from experienced IT professionals, are  Silect MP UniversitySquaredUp's ScomathonUser groups Webinars, and Microsoft Ignite.


Our Knowledge Base consists of:

  • FAQs
  • Release notes
  • How-tos
  • Guides 
  • Troubleshooting

In the Knowledge Base, we provide information you need every step of a Management Pack implementation, configuration, and update. You'll find everything from installation-, configuration-, updates-, and user guides to How-to's, troubleshooting, and release notes for every new version we release. 

The width and depth of content you can find make it easy to navigate through our management packages, add-ons, and SCOM. For less technical, product- or service-related questions there is also an FAQ on the respective product sites on our webpage


Videos are a way for us to present or show topics or products in a more extensive manner than a single article. The types of videos you can find are: 

  • Instructions or How-To's 
  • Product Introduction and Information
  • Best Practices
  • Webinars

All videos are related to our products and SCOM. These will enable you to get to know our products, how to import license keys, the impacts a management pack can have on an organization, how machine learning can help you manage alerts, etc. 

The videos can be accessed through our webpage and YouTube Channel


Our SCOM- and monitoring experts are here to support you, no matter if you are using a management pack, our Digital Operations Framework, or Monitoring as a Service

The support you'll receive is dependent on the product or service that you are using: 

If you are a Monitoring as a Service customer, weekly support hours and recurring follow-up meetings are included. Taking the service approach to monitoring you will not only be supported throughout implementations and daily operations but with updates and new versions of SCOM, management packs, and other add-ons covered in the service offering. Thus, there will be no need to think about how to future-proof or develop your monitoring platform as we do it for you! 

When buying the Digital Operations Framework, it is packaged together with an implementation project. These hours, for both the service and the framework, ensure that all components are correctly installed and that operations are up and running without complications.

Do you use any of the paid-for Management Pack: VMware, Oracle, Swift and encounter an issue you can submit a support ticket in our Knowledge Base or our Help & Support page, and you'll receive help shortly. 

Through the help page, you can also get in touch with sales support or access our customer portal, which you as a customer will be introduced to and where you download our software.

Our sales support will assist you through all stages of your monitoring and answer questions regarding any of our products. They can guide you through potential alternatives to ensure you get the most out of your SCOM monitoring.


We are working on continuous improvements and development for our products and services. It's a requirement to help our customers achieve state-of-the-art monitoring. Therefore, being responsive to our customers, their challenges, requests, and monitoring practices are essential to ensure monitoring that leads to desired RoI's, stable SCOM environments, and enhanced operations. 

Our Management Packs and add-ons are being updated on a regular basis. New releases include bug fixes, new and changed features.

Besides improving products that we already have, we also develop new ones that fit well into the ways organizations are currently working. For example, our SCOM Connector for Microsoft Teams allows for alert management in the increasingly popular communication tool.

Customized Management Packs is another part of our offer, where we assist our customers to create a stable, robust environment. Every organization is different, and every SCOM environment has its unique challenges. Customized Management Packs are designed to address the specific needs of your business. We offer a range of off-the-shelf monitoring products, but these are not always applicable for companies working with niche applications.


In our blog, you can find more and less technical articles directly- or indirectly related to our products. We bring up topics within the SCOM- and monitoring sphere that is relevant if working with IT infrastructure. 

Whether you are looking for the new release notes for a Management Pack, a summarize of the new features in the upcoming SCOM version, or how to future-proof your VMware monitoring - the blog is where to go. 


GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere. OpsLogix provides free resources such as scripts and Management Packs that are free to use and to collaborate on. 

One example of a free solution we provide is the OpsLogix  Management Pack Development Snippets for Visual Studio Authoring Extensions that speeds up and streamlines the development when creating Management Packs.

View Github

Free Resources

OpsLogix also contributes to the community with some free resources to use to simplify your monitoring in SCOM.

All Free Resources


























The best customer experience

Real-world knowledge

Our SCOM-experts and developers have years of experience with Microsoft's System Center Operations Manager. Constantly working on development on our products, taking part in support cases at customers or, participating in events such as SCOMathon, we are confident we have both the background and staying up to date - to help you with anything SCOM-related!

Knowledge Base

Our extensive Knowledge Base helps you answer most questions or wonderings you might have. In the Knowledge Base, you can find everything from FAQ, How-To's, guides, and troubleshooting. 

Instructional Videos

Our instructional videos are an important part of our customer experience. On our webpage you can find videos related to specific product sites, on our YouTube Channel, all videos are gathered. Our video library contains everything from how you are getting started, to new features or how a cookdown works. 

Support services

Alongside the product itself, we highly value your support experience and have a team of experienced DevOps engineers ready to support any issues you might encounter. 

Product improvements

We develop our Management Packs for our customers to be able to achieve first-class monitoring. For all our products we work on continuous development so that you, as an OpsLogix customers can be confident in integrating our products into your environment. 

If you have any questions regarding this, you can find more information at our  Help & Support page.



About our blog

Our blog is where you can find anything related to our products, product releases, company or just some other important information we think you - as our reader would like to know!

If you have a topic or question you think that we should address, but don't find it in our archive you can always have a look at our knowledge base.

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