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Cloverleaf and Customized Management Packs

by OpsLogix, on 20-Jan-2022 14:00:00


Management Pack Customization 

Every business is different, and every IT environment has its own set of challenges. Customized SCOM Management Packs are created to meet the monitoring and automation requirements of your company's critical applications.

OpsLogix offers a wide range of off-the-shelf monitoring products, but for companies working with niche applications, these are not always applicable.

OpsLogix offers development services to help your organization with Custom Management Packs that meets the requirements of your organization's needs - whether it is a stand-alone Management Pack or as part of our Monitoring as a Service, or Digital Operations Framework.

A clear example is the healthcare industry, which is a heavily regulated one, meaning that there are specific requirements for the monitoring solution.

Therefore we have developed a management pack for organizations within healthcare working with Cloverleaf.

The Cloverleaf Integration Suite helps companies and other healthcare institutes to combine clinical and business healthcare systems. Cloverleaf is the hub in which different systems communicate, and can transform data from different standards within the industry.

Our Cloverleaf MP is available for Microsoft and Linux platforms, allowing IT departments to keep track of and monitor the messaging system's health.

Features will also be included that allows for the monitoring of connections with processes and threads as well as operational status, queue sizes, and processing latencies.

You will never overlook a cloverleaf process, thread configuration modification, or the addition of components because of automated detection and component mapping.

We also collect a variety of key performance indicators that you may utilize for dashboarding or reporting, including:

  • CloverLeaf Monitor Process Status
  • CloverLeaf Monitor Threads LastRead Time
  • CloverLeaf Monitor Threads LastWrite Time
  • CloverLeaf Collect Threads Error Count
  • CloverLeaf Collect Threads MessagesIn
  • CloverLeaf Collect Threads MessagesOut
  • CloverLeaf Collect Threads QueueSize

Only metadata is evaluated, and we don't store any sensitive information since many healthcare organizations' data policies emphasize privacy and integrity.

Want to know more? 

We offer custom-made Management Packs or customized service- and framework solutions specifically designed for your needs and challenges. If you are interested to know more about the Cloverleaf Management Pack or SCOM Management Pack Development,  don't hesitate to get in touch with us! 

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